Annual General Meeting 2024
What is an AGM?AGM stands for Annual General Meeting. AGMs are yearly hui where iwi members (who are also shareholders of our company) get together to kōrero about how we're performing. These are the types of things that are covered: A review of our finances A review of key initiatives from the year Voting on important decisions Electing new leaders Answering questions from Ngati Porou iwi members and interested parties
Who is involved?Attendees include: Board members from all four entities- Nāti Growth, Oranga, Toitu and TRONP Executive team members from all four entities- Nāti Growth, Oranga, Toitu and TRONP Iwi members (shareholders)
Why do we have AGMs?It's important to keep our iwi members informed and connected with the ongoing activities and developments within our iwi. The objectives of our AGM are as follows: Promote transparency: iwi members can get a clear understanding of our financials and key activities and initiatives Allow collaborative decision-making: iwi members vote on important issues like leadership changes Encourage accountability: because the Rangatira/leaders present results and answer questions, they are held accountable for their actions Foster communication: it’s a chance for everyone involved to have an open kōrero and ensure everyone is on the same page.
How do I attend?If you would like to attend in person, simply come along on the day to Pakirikiri Marae at 4 Hikirangi Street, Tokomaru Bay. (Please let us know if registration is required.) The Runanga also offers transport for those living along the Coast. Keep an eye on our social media for details, and please note that bookings are essential for transport. If you'd prefer to attend online, you can register via Zoom (link) or join the livestream on Radio Ngāti Porou’s Facebook page.
If I am unable to attend, what other ways can I stay informed?We understand that our iwi members lead busy lives and may not have the time to read through a full annual report or attend a lengthy AGM. For those who are unable to attend in person, we’ll be sharing a short video highlighting the key achievements from the past financial year. This will be available on our social media channels after the AGM—so be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn pages.
Is there a fee to attend the AGM?No, attending the AGM is free of charge for members.
Glossary of Terms
Assets Things a company owns that have value, like money, buildings, or equipment.
Bond assets Loans made to a company or government that must be paid back with interest over time.
Commercial Relates to business or making money.
Dividend A part of a company’s profits that is paid to its shareholders.
Entity A business, organisation, or company that exists as its own legal unit.
Equity The value of ownership in a company, usually represented by shares.
Financials Reports or data that show the money a company earns, spends, and owns.
Fixed costs/assets Costs or assets that stay the same over time, like rent (cost) or buildings (assets).
Funds Money set aside for a particular purpose or to invest in something.
Inflation When the prices of goods and services go up over time.
Income Money that a person or business earns.
Interest rates The cost of borrowing money, expressed as a percentage of the loan amount.
Invest/Investment Putting money into something (like a business) with the hope of earning more money back.
Joint Venture A business project or deal that two or more companies work on together.
Licensing Giving permission to someone to use your product, brand, or idea, usually for a fee.
Market Where goods or services are bought and sold, or a group of people who might buy them.
Profit The money a business makes after paying all its costs.
Quota A set limit on how much of something can be produced, sold, or traded.
Rate of Return (ROI) The amount of money you earn from an investment, compared to how much you put in.
Share Units of ownership in a company that can be bought or sold.
Shareholder A person or group that owns shares in a company.
Subsidiaries Companies that are owned or controlled by a larger company.
Tradeoff Choosing one thing over another, often giving up something in return.